Healthy Digestion

Digestion of fresh, whole foods is crucial for our health and well-being. If you experience heartburn, reflux, bloating, or burping, it's important to pay attention—your body is trying to communicate with you. 

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Magnesium Deficiency

A lot is said about that enhances Mitochondrial Health with little mentioned about the easiest means of obtaining it. The mitochondria are like energy factories in our cells. They make an energy currency called ATP that we need for life. Think of ATP as a type of battery that the mitochondria charge up and then the battery can go to parts of the cell that need energy and release enough energy to repair. And if our cells do not have sufficient energy, they cannot be repaired and replicated.

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Natural Approach to Osteoporosis It's Time To Feel Good... Again

Do you have or are you concerned about having osteoporosis? As of today there are medical means to deal with the concern. Most of the current drugs slow or stop the osteoclast activity of the bone and new bone is build on a foundation that should be torn down.” Keep reading, I will explain shortly what an osteoclast is!

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    Too much of anything can be a problem, and calcium is no exception. Calcium settling or being deposited in areas where it is not supposed to be has many different names. For example, excess calcium buildup on the teeth is tarter, in the joints, we call it arthritis, in the bursa, it's bursitis, in the lens of one's eye, cataracts. If it settles in the kidney, we have kidney stones. 

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Counterfeit Vitamins

    In the pursuit of good health anyone can fall victim to counterfeit vitamins. These are vitamins that on the front of the label may say “E” or “C” or Multivitamin but are you really getting this and are you getting more than you bargained for?

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    It is summer time, our time to enjoy the many gifts this season has to give us, one of them being strawberries! The strawberry which is loved by many many people around the world, although they are sweet and are primarily used as an ingredient in many deserts or even just by themselves, are surprisingly beneficial to your health! 

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Flour vs. Fresh Whole Grains

    A week ago I wrote an article titled "Avoid Refined Sugar and Processed Grain" and I mentioned choosing the right breads. By a readers request I am following up with more detail on how to choose your bread based on a few observations you can make in the market. And I have included some other reasons to be picky about what you get. 

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What Really Causes Elevated Cholesterol?

    Cholesterol is a waxy substance the body creates when it combines fats and proteins.  The other word for cholesterol is lipoproteins. The function of lipoproteins is to go through the body to help make cell membranes (which apply to all cells in the body), many hormones, vitamin D, and production of bile salts for fat digestion.

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Healthy Digestion

    In our day and age food is becoming more commonly developed, often in labs, rather than harvested freshly. Which of the two do you think your body is most easily going to digest? When you are bloated or burping after a meal it is a signal from your digestive system. These are common occurrences that are considered normal however less common are moment of heartburn or reflux. Not only are they unpleasant, they are signals from your digestive system.

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Avoid Refined Sugar and Processed Grain

    Patients on occasion will come in and have a very well rounded list of foods and supplements they have maintained over a decent amount of time and yet they are still experiencing health concerns. What is often hidden behind this apparent failure to achieve better health is either the foods or the supplements themselves.    If you find you have made similar efforts and still do not have better health, do not despair. It may require simple adjustments to which foods and supplements you are taking in.

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Rosemary and You

    Rosemary is considered as an herb that every chef should use, with it's lemon-pine flavor it can add to a delicious culinary experience. If the chef of your house uses rosemary they are treating you with this good experience as well as good health!

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