Before we can divide the myths and truths we first have to define a term that you may be familiar with already. Unsaturated fatty acids. Fatty acids are building blocks that the body takes from fat, breaks away into parts and uses to help build or maintain the body.
The fact that unsaturated fatty acids in the diet are beneficial is now a well established truth. Not only is it generally beneficial it helps by acting to lower elevated blood cholesterol levels . . .
This is a simple observable biochemical fact that got missed by the test-tube minded investigators. Despite the unsaturated fatty acids’ consistent pattern for lowering cholesterol.
We ask ourselves, Is cholesterol really that bad? How could a natural substance produced in our bodies as a basic building block of every cell, the hormone system and nervous system cause us so much trouble? Do we really want to lower cholesterol at any cost? It is a known fact that drugs recommended to reduce cholesterol disrupts normal physiology and are chalked full of serious side effects.
Low fat diets designed to lower cholesterol often throw out these unsaturated fatty acids and replace them with sugar and unhealthy processed fats.
What happened to common sense?
Cholesterol is vital to functioning a healthy body but misinformation regarding cholesterol leads us to believe cholesterol is dangerous.
What are the facts?
- The body produces essential nutrients (cholesterol is one of them) which is vital to the healthy structure and function of cell membranes.
- Cholesterols molecular structure enables binding of essential proteins in cell walls and assists in the transport of nutritional essentials in and out of the cells. Cholesterol is transported by LDL ( low-density lipoproteins) to the tissues that require cholesterol to maintain a healthy function and returned by HDL (high-density lipoproteins) for use and removal by the liver.
- Cholesterol is returned to the liver and is involved in the creation of hormones and then excreted into the bile to the benefit of bowel pH and improved colon functions.
- Cholesterol is thought to be protective against infections and atherosclerosis (a disease of the arteries).
Cholesterol Myths
- High cholesterol is the cause of heart disease.
- High cholesterol is the cause of atherosclerosis which hardens and clogs the arteries.
- High cholesterol is caused by eating foods filled high in cholesterol.
- Reducing cholesterol with drugs is safer than having high cholesterol.
Who gains from Cholesterol Myths?
Only Companies who patent low fat “foods” and create medicines designed to lower cholesterol levels profit from distorting the truth. We need to clear our thoughts and reset our understanding of these cholesterol myths and look at the facts.
Myth One – Cholesterol is the Cause of Heart Disease Researchers find that high cholesterol is “present” in cases of heart disease nearly as often as high cholesterol is found in patients with no heart disease.
Research also indicates that high cholesterol in old age is linked to a longer life.
Heart disease is more often causally linked with diet and lifestyle choices and NOT with high cholesterol in the blood stream.
Myth Two - High Cholesterol causes atherosclerosis. Studies show close to no evidence that atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries is caused by high cholesterol.
Myth Three – High Cholesterol is caused by eating foods high in cholesterol. A peer review published research projects studying the effects of diet on blood cholesterol was done with tens of thousands of participants from dozens of different countries.
No significant association of blood cholesterol levels to diet was noted in any of them, except for the artificial fats (margarine) and high sugar that were consumed.
The Real Cholesterol Story When one is healthy, cholesterol levels are regulated by the body naturally. High cholesterol is an indicator of an unhealthful lifestyle that may need attention. It makes absolutely no sense to pull the battery out of a noisy smoke alarm, much the same as it makes no sense to lower cholesterol with drugs – rather . . . put the fire out.
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The information provided in this article should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should or must be taken based solely on the contents of this article. Readers should consult your appropriate Health Care Professionals on any matter relating to their Health and overall well-being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available, but all the readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries.